Spooky DIY: Glue Ghosts

Posted by Curry S. on Jan 28th 2020

Spooky DIY: Glue Ghosts

Get in the spirit of Halloween with these haunting glue ghosts! All it takes is some glue, cheesecloth, and creativity to make your home ready for the spookiest season. This DIY is perfect for anyone ages 3 and up. Kids under ten will need supervision! Want to share your DIYs with us? Go follow us on Instagram and tag us using #ACSpookyDIY on all your Halloween posts!



Black Felt



Tin cans, bottles, or mason jars

Elmer’s School Glue


Blow up balloons and place them in the opening of your can, bottle or mason jar (make sure the opening to whatever you use is wide enough for a balloon to sit comfortably, tape if necessary). Pour Elmer’s Glue in a large bowl or container and dilute with water by 50 percent. We used 8 oz of glue and 8 oz of water.

Dip the cheesecloth in the bowl, making sure it is fully saturated with the glue/water mixture.

Pull the cloth out of the bowl and drape over your balloon to form your ghost.

Pro Tip: If you have a friend doing this project with you, have them grab the other side of the cheesecloth and help lay it over the balloon.

Arrange the cheesecloth around the base of the bottle in the shape you would like it to dry. Allow to dry overnight.

Once the cheesecloth has completely dried, pop the balloon underneath and gently peel off of the cheesecloth. Re-shape if necessary. Using your black felt, cut out eyes and a mouth and glue to the ghost.

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